Benefits Of Guava Fruit For Health

Guava Fruit for health benefits. There are two types of own guava, guava and one other is Syzygium samarangense.

While we discuss this now is the fruit of the guava. Guava itself is very well-known in the Southeast Asian region. But some people sometimes don't like it because the content of the myriad benefits of guava fruit is wrong when there are contents on it. The following important content in guava: 20% vitamin A, 20% flavonoids, flavonoids, lutein, Lycopene, cryptoxanthin, potassiumvitamin B6, vitamins E and K, manganese, coppera mineral magnesium.

Speaking of the fruit of the guava, did an awful lot for clarity we know immediately below, but before that, we used to be a bit well-reserved guava mandatory we know. Guava contains lots of minerals and vitamins are also good for your health, not only of its benefits is also very good for maintaining the beauty of your skin. For more details read below: yuk

Benefits Of Guava Fruit For Health:

As an antioxidant
As usual, a lot of vitamin C contained in fruits, in general, are also contained in the guava. Large doses of vitamin C in guava will automatically be antioxidants to the body. In addition, if often eat the guava in the body will change the content of guava into collagen. Collagen itself indispensable skin to regenerate, meaning make the skin always seemed ageless. With healthy plus gorgeous. Suitable for the girls who are in the program skin bleaching dunks.

Help overcome high blood pressure
Guava has been in sports by the body will help reduce and prevent thickening blood.This is very helpful for those of you who have a disease of high blood pressure, guava is rich with hypoglycemic will help normalize heart rhythms of heart rate so you avoid the risk of a heart attack. On the other hand, the guava also helps you have high cholesterol levels in the blood to prevent your sudden stroke.

Helping sufferers of diabetes and prevent diabetes
In addition to helping the sufferer of high blood pressure, guava can also help those who have high blood sugar or the familiar called diabetes or diabetes. The famous guava because it is high in fiber helps the body process sugar absorption this triggered the body to lower insulin and glucose in the body of the diabetics. Well, if you haven't been affected by diabetes, try to consume on a regular basis in order to guava prevent illness risk of type 2 diabetes.

Cure constipation and diarrhea
One of the fruits that have high fiber content is guava. The beans that we eat would be the drug smoothly bowel movements or commonly referred to as a laxative. In addition to that guava also helped the movement in the gut this certainly helps the metabolism. If the last big dump we've been helped by guava make to you who are experiencing diarrhea can also be addressed by consuming guava.

Benefits of guava for the health of it turns out to be an awful lot of ya guys. If the clay from a form and its contents we will be less sure of the benefits they provide. But believe me, guava is very efficacious and powerful to cope with all the diseases of the stomach and digestion. The guava fruit this time article may be useful for all of us.


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