Benefits Of Red Onion For Health

In addition, you can make use of to delicious dishes consumed, onion also has a very beneficial for nutritional health, and could help to cure diseases

In the onion contained antioxidant compounds, vitamins minerals dam. In addition, the onion has properties as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal.

Shallots can be used one of them to lower blood sugar levels, so the efficacy of Onion is important for diabetics.

The antioxidants contained in the onion serves to ward off the attack of free radicals on the body. The onion becomes mandatory spice in the kitchen, as it can strengthen the flavors.

Red Onion

The Benefits Of Red Onions

1. Strengthen the immune system
Eating onions can strengthen the body's immune so that the body is not easily affected by flu, coughs, colds and other diseases. From the page, that the onion contains compounds that serve to improve the overall immune response.

Compounds contained in the onion also function as antibacterial, antifungal, and serve to ward off virus attacks. This is very important so that the immune system can run well.

The content of flavonoids found in it is beneficial for the immune body. Allicin which is a powerful antioxidant compound to function effectively to destroy pathogens which weaken the immune system.

In addition, the danger of pathogens is triggering the development of cancer.

2. For heart health
In the onion contained sulfide compounds and amino acid methyl allyl sulfur which is beneficial to help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Other benefits of red onions are to maintain the stability of the blood pressure, so you avoid the problem of hypertext and clogging the arteries.

From the page, that the onion is effective to help prevent heart disease. Scientists have claimed that the onion can prevent heart disease.

Researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that the efficacy of Onion is able to eliminate the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Where the presence of large amounts of bad cholesterol in the body causes a risk of heart attack and stroke.

The function of the onion content also maintains good cholesterol in the body, good cholesterol (HDL) serves to help protect the health of the organ of the heart.

Zhen Yu Chen, who led the study explained that the study was to examine the interaction of content with Shallots in a biological function.

In this study, the scientists used the object of hamsters, given onion intake. Where the conditions of the hamsters are having problems high cholesterol.

The result, after observations over the past eight weeks, the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the hamster had been down about 20 percent.

Zhen-Yu Chen explains that the results of these studies support the claim that regular consumption of onions is able to lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

Onions are in fact has long been known to have health benefits to prevent disease, as well as prevent minor illnesses like coughs and colds.

3. Prevent Cancer
The onion has a vitamin A as well as antioxidant, works to prevent cancer, one that is a type of cancer of the oral cavity. The onion also helps to prevent the type of liver cancer. Content in onion work to destroy cancer cells.

From the page, revealed that the onions (including types of shallots) rich in flavonoid content has been associated with the benefits of reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

In the onion contained quercetin, which is an anti-cancer compound, which has proven to be capable of lowering the initiation of cancer tumors and also inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the breast, ovary, and colon.

Other benefits are also capable of lowering the risk for brain cancer and lung cancer. The compounds quercetin also helps to lower blood pressure in people experiencing hypertension and also prevents the release of histamine.

The content that is in onions, in general, have proven to be able to help inhibit the development of cancer of the bowel and kidneys. The fiber content in onions helps to lower the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

The anthocyanin compounds degrading pigments of red, purple and blue on red onion. Research experts have found that anthocyanin compounds useful to lower the risk of a number of diseases, including cancers that are very dangerous.

4. Help cope with Diabetes

Onions contain phytochemical from Allyl disulfide and allium, both of these compounds serve to fight the disease of diabetes.

Consumption of onions helps to reduce sugar levels in the body so you can be more inevitable than problems caused diabetes.

From the page, that the onion has a glycemic index value, namely 10, from a scale of 0 to 100. This means that the onion does not at all have the effect of increasing the levels of glucose in the blood.

Consuming food that doesn't make increased blood glucose levels, useful to prevent and overcome diabetes type 2.

The onset of the disorder in the metabolism of glucose had an impact on diabetes, could even be at risk in the development of cancer. Very important maintain a stable level of insulin in the body, one of them how by eating onions.

Bawag red that has a low glycemic index have been associated with some of the very important benefits such as lowering blood pressure, prevent the occurrence of hardening of blood vessels, improve blood flow, and control the formation of fat cells so as not to give bad impact.

5. Keep your brain health
The benefits of consumption of red onion are able to improve brain function, as well as to prevent the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study found that garlic consumption increases the ability of the brain, it is because in the onion contained nutritious antioxidant substances to strengthen memory and warding off risks of degenerative brain diseases.

In a 2005 study conducted by scientists of Hokkaido Tokai University, found that the sulfur compounds found in onions (including onion) helps to improve memory and prevent disorders related to brain function.

The results showed that extracts of the antioxidant compounds, including sulfur onion, useful to help the improvement of learning and memory functions are strengthened. The research was conducted using the rat as an experimental object.

The onion contains important i.e. anthocyanins and quercetin. Anthocyanin compounds are part of a group of phytochemicals Bioflavonoids.

Scientists explain that the anthocyanins have compounds function in helping enhance the ability of the nerves, as well as preventing a decrease in nerve function significantly due to age.

Compounds, anthocyanins are also useful to maintain cognitive function and helps to the prevention of neurodegenerative disorders.

As for quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant compounds, which serves to ward off the attack of free radicals, as well as prevent damage to the body's cells. Research shows that quercetin compounds useful to help prevent and address the problem of hypertension, high cholesterol and more.

The attack of free radicals is very dangerous, because the bad impact on many parts of the body, such as damaging the skin of the body, causing a disturbance, and cognitive abilities can trigger cancer.

Some studies have shown that consumption of nutritious onion to enhance memory (memory).

Some types of food that are capable of useful to enhance the capabilities of the brain and memory that are wine, blueberries, red beets and eggplants. These foods have a lot of anthocyanin content.

As for apples and broccoli is rich in content of quercetin. In addition, spinach-rich content of folic acid is beneficial to protect yourself from loss of memory.

6. Help the detoxification process, and Cleans the skin
From the page, that the antioxidants contained in the onion are effective for the prevention of the risk of cancer, DNA repair, and tissue damage, clean up the carcinogens of liver, organs and help the process of detoxification in the body.

There is a high-sulfur compound in garlic are beneficial to optimize the process ofDetox naturally. These compounds work for binding substances such as heavy metals are present in the blood, as well as eradicate and remove the toxins from the body.

At the onion contained compounds quercetin. The compounds quercetin serves to stimulate the function of the organ of the heart so that it works better for the process of detoxifying the toxins and harmful substances

From the page, that in Chinese medicine method believed that the feet have contacts directly on all the organs of the body.

And, as mentioned previously that the onion (and some other types of onions) functions as an anti-bacteria and cleans the toxins in the body.

The medical world has already confirmed that the feet have relationships directly on the nervous system of the body. Where the foot has approximately 7,000 point nerve connection directly to the various organs of the body.

In China, a traditional moderated very good in maintaining healthy nerves in the legs that are connected to the rest of the body i.e. began by making use of onion, one red onion.

If you want to cleanse the body, then there must be more frequent often to the sauna. Because of the simple and inexpensive way, where with just a thick slice of onion, then put amply cut in the soles of the feet.

So the onions could always stick on feet, then it could by wearing socks afterward.Its benefits are believed to be able to clean the skin, as well as killing germs and bacteria in the body.

7. The Satisfactory Relationship in Bed
Eating onions can enhance sexual arousal. Antioxidants found in naturally nutritious onions to boost sperm count of men.

Where on the research that's been done, find that content in the onions and Ginger was able to increase libido and sperm levels.

In the onion contained sulfide compounds that are useful for controlling cholesterol levels, tackling hypertension, and improves blood circulation. Lancarnya blood circulation in the body, including on the part of the penis, useful to strengthen the passion while in bed together couple.

In addition, on the research conducted by scientists at the University of Tabriz in Iran, found that consumption of nutritious onions to boost testosterone levels, which is useful for enhancing passion while an intimate relationship.

8. Make sleep more Soundly
Folate content that is in onions is beneficial for lowering the symptoms of stress and depression, where the functions that help prevent  homocysteine levels. The danger of the high levels of homocysteine that is impeding the supply of blood and nutrients to other organs of the brain.

The condition of the homocysteine levels too much impact on the disruption of the production of important hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.These hormones function to keep the mood to keep it good and stable and make the beds could be more comfortable, healthy and quality.

In the eating of onion, then select the onion that's clean, hard and dry skin. Avoid selecting onions are visible the presence of signs of decay. In storing onions, store in a place far from the bright lights or away from the Sun.


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