Benefits Of Banana For Health

One of the benefits of banana for health is weight loss, obesitydigestive disorders, constipation, dysenteryanemia, tuberculosis, arthritis, goutkidney disorders, urinary disorders, problems of puberty, and burns. Bananas are the largest source of potassium and are one of the compounds that are most needed by the body.

Banana fruit can be eaten when ripe or as juice, to get the nutritional benefits. But bananas are not yet ripe can cause severe gastrointestinal disorders, and therefore should only be eaten when ripe. For example, bananas kapok yet ripe (but old), can be boiled first before being eaten.

Here Are Some Benefits Of Banana For Health, Which Is Important For Us To Know:

Weight loss and obesity:
The banana is useful to help lose weight, one with a weight of 100 g banana contains about 90 calories and contains a lot of fiber and easy to digest. Bananas contain no fat. So people who are overweight, aren't going to get a lot of calories though consume some bananas. Fiber also doesn't make people become easy to feel hungry.

Increase the weight
Meanwhile, banana is also useful for weight gain. Bananas are consumed with milk will help in increasing the weight fast. Milk provides the necessary proteins, while bananas that provide sugar. Furthermore, because bananas are easy to digest, people can swallow 5-6 bananas in a day apart from food normally. This will give an additional intake of calories 500-600 calories, which is quite necessary to promote weight loss. Bananas have the ability to provide instant energy, consuming bananas sportsmen when hours of rest.

a banana is a fruit rich in fiber including food and hence helps in smooth bowel movement. Bananas will relieve a person of constipation. Bananas can also help treat bowel disorders etc.

Konstipawsi is characterized by difficulty in removing the feces and can cause bleeding. It is believed that a banana will help treat constipation. Some people also consider bananas as the cause of negative effects on the stomach during the kopnstipasi, the addition of the many banana consumptions will provide additional pressure on the stomach.

Banana contains high levels of iron, and therefore a banana would also help treat anemia.

The problem comes the Moon: 
cooked banana Flower can help cycle coming months and too much pain. Bananas are also good for arthritis, diarrhea, dysentery, Burns, goutkidney disorders, TUBERCULOSIS and disorders of urination.


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