The Benefits Of Shaved Leaves For Health

Efficacy is important for the health of the body Shaved Leaves  shaved Tree has a variety of designations for each lesson. In Indonesia, this plant is often called mitten, while in the United Kingdom designation for this bonsai i.e sandpaper tree, toothbrush tree, as well as the siamese rough bush. Bonsai plant is still one family with jackfruit, so including the family Moraceae. Shaved or mitten has the scientific name Streblus asper Lour.

So important to fans of bonsai to know each plant with a good and detailed. The monoecious plant which was shaved to have one place of residence, where the male and female flowers appear on one tree but the difference a place or separated.

Shaved tree can reach a height of around 15 meters. in its Habitat. Whitebark of this tree is somewhat gray. The leaves in the form of an oval, with a length of 12 cm. Leaves are green with shaved rough structures on the surface, the edges of the leaves are pointed out from a form, as well as on the ends of the base of the leaves, as well as bones similar to the fins.

The flowers have a yellow color to the shaved as well as green. Female flowers of this plant have a spherical shape as well as the growing huddle. The color is light yellow, with a diameter of flower petals around the 8-10 mm.

Plants spread shaved Asian in all locations, including Indonesia. Shaved tree Habitat that is all kinds of the jungle, from low to high plains begin. Shaved tree easy to made so easy and bonsai to die.

Bonsai plants have a pharmacological impact, to have potential as a medicinal plant.As a remedy, it is definitely this plant safe for our body.

The Benefits Of Shaved Leaves For The Health Of The Body:

1. Cure hepatitis

Liver disease or hepatitis due to infection with viruses, bacteriaor other parasites. This disease attacks the liver organ, which can be triggered by a deficiency of B vitamins, nutrition, the use of chemical medicines ugly way constantly, as well as others. This health problem characterized by the color of the eyelid so yellow.

Well, to cure jaundice (hepatitis), there are two traditional measures that can be used. The first step, take 50 grams of leaves, shaved 25 gr of leaves of meniran, as well as 50 gr pegagan leaves. Clean and boil all ingredients together with 800 ml of water to a boil. Let the remaining 400 ml water, lift. After the water is so cold, strain. Drink in the morning and afternoon with regular.

Step 2, provide 30 gr of leaves and shaved 25 gr Rhizome temulawak. After being washed with running water boiled them both with 600 ml of water to a boil. Wait until the water is reduced by half, strain and drink the water at the moment.

2. Heal ulcers

Skin disease is caused by a bacterial infection. The emergence of pus on the skin protrusion, definitely so painful patients. Well, to deal with this problem, you can use leaf DrawString. Some stride slices shaved leaves, some 250 gr. Give tang we already cut into pieces. Boil the ingredients with 3 cups of water. Let the water boil and left just one glass. After the water is a bit cold, strain. Drink 2 x in one day, each ½ cups.

Thus the benefits for the health body shaved leaves. Hopefully, the information we give this could be useful for those of you who read it Yes.


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