The Amazing Benefits Of Zodia Leaf For Health

The amazing benefits of leaf Zodia for health  the scientific name of the plant zodia i.e. Evodia save lens, including into the tribe of Rutaceae. From this plant, then spreading to all corners of the world. The tree can reach a height of 2 mtr. The leaves are greenish yellow, flat shaped and pliable enough. When this leaves rub against both, would appear a distinctive aroma.

Zodia plant as an ornamental plant also known as the tree of mosquitoes. The smell of its leaves can repel mosquitoes, the effect was not much different from vetiver, lavender, geraniumcitronella scented, and rosemary. This kind of thing because the compound linalool which is in its leaves.

Zodia Leaf

Not only as ornamental plants or repellent, in fact, extract zodia contain diverse active substances that are useful for healing. Some of the compounds in it including a-pinene, evodiamine, and Ruta car pine.

These Amazing Benefits For The Health Of Zodia Leaves:

1. Against the development of cancer

An important compound in the leaves of the zodia obviously efficient to combat the activity of cancer cells in the body at risk. In fact, the changes in the tumor could have been avoided with the consumption of leaf zodia.

2. Heal canker sores

The cuts would certainly lower thrush appetite, because pain when chewing food. Obati thrush by drinking the decoction of leaves of zodia. In addition, increased consumption of vitamin C to speed up healing.

3. The Scent of body odor

Not just the betel leaf that can get rid of the smell of the body is unwell, zodia alsoefficient to deal with this problem. With regular drinking of water decoction of leaves of the zodia fact could lead to awful odors away from your body. People generally put Sentani zodia leaves as a natural perfume, with the dab on their skin.

4. Help cure malaria

Active compounds including evodiamine and rutaecarpine also on leaf zodia, can fight off the infection of the virus cause malaria.

5. Relieve fever

The leaves have a cool character to zodia could lower an extremely high body heat.When your child is experiencing fever, give water decoction of leaves of zodia.

6. Avoid bad breath

To get rid of bad breath which is awful, you can chew the leaves that are still fresh and then zodia waste ampasnya.

7. Lighten it headaches

Do not be confused finding drug headache, try a traditional concoction made from leaves of zodia. Simply by boiling the leaves together with clean water along a couple of minutes, then drink it when the water is still warm.

8. Handle flatulence

Gas that accumulates in the stomach can lead to flatulence as well as cold. The leaves and flowers of zodia could be a way out it is best to handle this issue on system indigestion.

9. Cure diarrhea and dysentery

One of the natural steps to treating disease dysentery i.e. leaves zodia. The impact of pharmacological in the leaves is beneficial to fight bacteria cause dysentery.

10. improve stamina and energy

Extract the zodia is also beneficial to restore the body's natural decrease in stamina,to add your body energy.

Well, that's the amazing benefits of zodia leaves for health. Hopefully the info we provide this beneficial and useful Yes.


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