Benefits Of Durian Fruits For Health

Benefits of a Durian Fruits  Durian was one of the original tropical plants from Southeast Asia including Indonesia. This fruit has the nickname i.e. king of fruit or the King of all fruits. As well as plants of the genus Durio comes this fruit has the scientific name i.e. d. Zibethinus. Due to the sense of, a lot of people who like this fruit, however, many also a people don't like this fruit due to the pungent smell that has.

Durian Fruits

Based on some research, from the existing content in the fruit of the durian gained some useful benefits for the body. First, research from Ohio State University. From that research, found when the fruit durian has the power to turn off the substance as the cause of cancer, signs of diabetes and can help to lower the possibility of the signs of heart disease. It is also because, in the durian fruit, there are approximately 200mg of Vitamin C from 100 gr of durian.

The research comes from the Department of Toxicology of & General School of Medicine at the State University of New York. The research was undertaken in Buffalo also pointed out when on a durian fruit there is a substance called substance Phytosterol. These substances can do a repair reaction of tumor cells in the body and help to avoid the emergence of cancer.

Benefits Of a Durian Fruit For Health:
For health, fruits that have a pungent smell that has various types of benefits or benefits, namely:

Deal with constipation
Durian fruit contains fiber, 37%, and the environment can be useful to improve digestion as well as facilitate defecation. Nutrients in fruit durian can absorb the water until the bowel movements more easily and smoothly. The content of the fibers can also bind the mass feces until it is not too hard and easily issued.

Deal with anemia
Anemia due to the ongoing body of iron deficiency. Well, the fruit of the durian contains a lot of folic acids that benefits to help increase the production of red blood cells. But, certainly never too excessive durian consumption.

Helps bone formation as well as teeth
One of the main minerals in the formation of bones and teeth, namely phosphorus.As well as the fruit durian contains phosphorus which cup to when it is consumed regularly can fill the necessity of daily phosphorus which further helped the formation of bones and teeth by means of maximum.

Mitigate migraines
A migraine or headache side like a disease that always lurks those with high activity levels. In fact, durian can help you overcome it. This is because of the fruit of the durian is no vitamin B that could relieve the pain.

Protect the thyroid gland function
Iodine and copper acted to protect the thyroid gland so that it works in a maximum way. Durian is a fruit that has a content of copper are enough to satisfy the everyday needs of the Agency.

Protect the blood sugar
Durian fruit that is sweet. It is possible that some people suspect that this one is not recommended for patients with high blood sugar. But in fact, it contains manganese and even helps protect the blood sugar levels remain stable.

Protect the health of the skin
You certainly already know if the skin also needs food in order keep healthy. To protect the health of the skin from the inside so you must consume healthy foods that contain vitamins necessary skin. Durian was wrong. Fruit that is popular with the name of the king of fruit contains vitamin C that can boost the production of collagen which helps the system changing of the skin.

Handle the travel sickness
Some people often traveled when travel sickness natural wear of vehicles, either private or public. When you feel it, consume a durian, honey, and milk. A third food that can help appease the stomach, increase return blood sugar levels as well as the hydration system of the body.

Heal the wound
Durian can be also used to heal wounds so that no ongoing infection. His pace, take the flesh of the fruit durian then paste in the body section of the wounded. Cover the wound with a bandage or cloth.

Reduce the likelihood of stroke
According to a report in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), durian fruit can reduce the chances of death from stroke up to 40%. His pace with a set daily menu as durian.

Help quit smoking
This is the news that you are glad to have the intention of quitting. The durian fruit can help you get rid of that ugly routines. This kind of thing because it is thorny in fruit content of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, potassium and magnesium that help the body withstand the impact of nicotine addiction.

Body temperature control
Our people many who believe if it could lead to heat in the durian. But the reality of this fruit can be shaped cool the temperature of the body when consumed properly.This sort of thing is evidenced by the culture of the pregnant woman in Holland durian consumption so that the requested her baby was born with an ideal temperature. But for this one, it's good to ask in advance with your doctor.

Help the diet program
Lots of fruits and vegetables that can be used to help make your diet program. Durian was wrong. This kind of thing, because a durian contains carbs quite high until the glut can be longer. As well as avoid you from craving for snacking.

Do the repair the nervous system
As explained above, if the fruit durian contains vitamin B plays the nervous system do the repair.

Relieve gastric pain
To relieve gastric pain generally, are taking the drugs from a pharmacy that has an antacids content. But do you know if the durian contains natural antacids which can reduce gastric pain? So, when one moment you Mera Saka pain in the stomach, try to consume the fruit durian.

Reduce the chances of high blood insistence
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration already give permission on durian industries from the claim if durian contains potassium (potassium) high but low levels of salt to be so efficient to lower high blood insistence.

Protect the concentration
Research already gives a high potassium level were it on the fruit can give a good impact there is cerebrum. I.e. make the brain can invite more concentration and serious.

Benefits of a Durian for beauty
Are for beauty, the fruit durian has the benefit of one of these:

Make ageless skin
So that it can protect the skin so much younger because the content of vitamin C which makes collagen to rejuvenate the skin. Durian can also help to avoid free radicals can make organs in the protection and delay skin aging.

Handle the panda eyes
The SAC of the eyes, dark circles around the eyes, the eyes of the panda and the like can be destroyed with the durian. His pace, take the flesh of the fruit durian then gave on an eye. Flush the next day.

Helps to make the skin in a natural way
Use the fruit durian bath time. The exception is useful for removing some of the dead skin cells, it will make the skin brighter shine.

Damming of the skin
To moisturize the skin and protect the skin's firmness, because the content of flavonoids that can regenerate dead skin cells damaged to manifest new skin cells will make your skin more toned.

Nutrient Content Of Durian Fruit
In fruit that has a sharp bark has a wide range of nutritional and vitamin required by the Agency. In one cup of fruit durian, there is 357 calories environment generated by fat around the 13 gr/33% calories. Being on one cup of durian, there are around 130 grams of carbohydrate and protein contained approximately 3, 6 grams and could meet the daily needs of the Agency would protein environment 6, 4-7, 8%.

Other Content In One Cup Of The Fruit Of The Durian:
 Vitamin C amounted to 80% of the 1 cup of durian.
 iron as well as the addition that can help to help in the formation of red blood cells.
 Thiamine as well as is able to satisfy the purposes of consumption to 30% of the Environment Agency.
 Folate could fill 20% of the daily needs of the Agency.

It turns out that the benefits of a durian fruit it so much isn't it? Loss when to not like fruit on this one. Due to the exception of the delicious content of its nutrition value is also so awesome.


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