Benefits Of Reundeu Leaves For Health

Reundeu Leaves important benefits for health  reundeu Leaves have a wide array of health benefits that are not often aware of a large number of people. This leaves enough is consumed as fresh vegetables, which does not disappear as well as his nutritional vitamins. The bacterial pathogen that is detrimental to the health of the body, can be addressed by reundeu leaves.

Reundeu Leaves

The scientific name of reundeu elongate Staurogyne i.e. leaves, it contains the families Stauroginaceae. The leaves are yellowish green when young, as well as pale green when old. The flowers are yellow, so beautiful as ornamental flowers.

Reundeu leaves are slightly sweet, with pharmacological effects of wrong was a diuretic. The roots of this plant can often be used for cures for some diseases. Which is admirable, worthy made a reason to include this plant herbal plants of the group into the full benefits.

The cultivation of these plants by means of stem cuttings, or planting the seeds. Soil humidity and fertilizing should be on notice so that the plants can grow with lush. Stay away from chemical fertilizers, as well as put the plant on the ground that he had direct exposure to sunlight.

Benefits Of Reundeu Leaves For Health:

1. Against pathogenic bacteria cause various diseases

Reundeu leaves contain various kinds of bacteria, including microflora foster anti-microbial properties. In fact, it is not lost when microflora leaves washed with running water. Antibacterial characters on filosfer reundeu can fight the bacteria Escherichia coli as a pathogen, Candida albicans, Candida tropical, and Staphylococcus aureus.

2. Fall kidney stones

Calcium crystal deposits that formed by the former result meant secretion of kidney stones. The emergence of these rocks is due to calcium overload, or kidneys can no longer to filter it. To destroy kidney stones so easily at a remove from the body leaves the region, use reundeu.

His pace, eat the leaves of reudeu are still fresh as fresh vegetables. No doubt, wipe the leaves before consuming. Do this regularly healing every day, to recover.

3. Handle the difficult urination

Reudeu has a character leaves a fairly strong diuretics, which can streamline the system the secretion of urine. If you experience problems urinating, try this home remedy. If the problem is still quite mild, eating leaves with regular reundeu per day. Much of the pattern of eating right and healthy diet, to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

For healing chronic urinary difficulty, provide some handheld leaf reundeu (around1 kg). Clean with running water, boiled with 4 glasses of water. Let boil 2 cups of water and reduced. Strain and drink the water, in the morning and before going to bed at night. Takarannya i.e. 1 glasses.

Well, that's an important benefit for the health of reundeu leaves. May be useful.


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