The Benefits And Side Effects Of Africa Leaves For Health

The benefits, Efficacy, and side effects of Leaves Africa – community who have not yet learned that leaves Africa has tremendous benefits for the health of our body. Various diseases can be alleviated by herbal plant leaves Africa. The content in the leaves of Africa makes it much has its benefits. African leaf nutrients content of, among otherssuch as fatty acids, vitamins, essential acids, fenolat acids, oils, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances and various mineral resources.
Africa Leaves

Many in Africa leaves to became a drug herbal drugs  treatment by experts from various countries such as China, India, AfricaAustralia and other countries. With his nutritional, leaves it very much for African health.

The Benefits For The Health Of Africa Leaves:

Lower Blood Sugar

The benefits are no less African leaf out normally is able to lower sugar levels in the blood, it is certainly very good once let alone storytellers for diabetes. You are highly recommended to drink the decoction of leaves of Africa could help normalize blood sugar levels are already high.

Help Treat Diabetes

Well, this is it benefits African leaf-very unusual, that can treat diabetes. Many have already proved if by drinking the decoction of leaves Africa on a regular basis can cure diabetes. Even in some patients who will undergo the amputation because of decay caused diabetes, can be saved by regular drinking of water decoction of leaves of Africa.

Treat Inflammation Of The Joints

Leaves Africa, you can also take advantage of to cope with arthritis or rheumatism. It's easy, simply by drinking tea or water decoction of leaves of Africa could help alleviate pain in joints. Don't forget to drink water decoction of leaves Africa routinely so soon cured of rheumatism.

Lowering The Risk Of Cancer Of The Liver

Leaves Africa as well as to reduce the risk of developing cancer of the liver. This is because the leaves Africa can detoxify toxins in the body. This makes the benefits of African leaves, can be used as a medicinal herb that is strongly recommended to prevent the disease of cancer is cancer of the liver.

Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood

The benefits of the first Africa leaves is to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. As we know, if cholesterol in our blood is high then the blood flow will be interrupted resulting in a wide range of dangerous diseases such as sudden heart attack or stroke.

Well, leaf Africa is very beneficial to cope with high cholesterol or LDL in the blood, you simply drinking the decoction of leaves Africa with regular. To remove the bitter taste of the leaves, you can also add honey and lime juice or lemon so it tastes fresher.

Lowering Blood Pressure

The benefits of the second Africa leaves is to lower high blood pressure. A lot of people who are over 50 years of age suffer from high blood pressure, as a result of course easily angry, uncontrolled emotions and could lead to a stroke and resulted in in death. to lower high blood pressure you can use herbs decoction of leaves of Africa

Overcoming Insomnia

Leaves Africa can also help you to overcome insomnia. This is because the leaves Africa has a relaxing effect. The trick is to boil a few leaves Africa, could use the leaves fresh African or African leaf. Drink water boiled before you sleep. Do it for insomnia has not improved.

Preventing Stroke

Well, as it is already explained earlier, leaf Africa also efficacious for preventing stroke, leaves is beneficial to launch metabolic processes in the body, maintain a smooth blood and prevent narrowing or swelling of the blood vessels in the brain can cause a stroke.

Treat Fever Heat

Take advantage of the leaves for Africa down. You can BREW the leaves Africa to drink. The same as on the use of leaves Africa to cough medicine, the benefits of the leaf is leaves Africa Africa fresh and don't forget to wash it first. In addition to children, adolescents or adults is also good.

Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the deadly diseases that can lurk. You can prevent heart disease by drinking the decoction of leaves of an already arid Africa turns out to increase heart disease preventive compounds become more maximum. The compound leaves are present in Africa could normalis plaques in the blood vessels to the heart.

Treat Malaria

Malaria is difficult or even can not be cured, turned out to be not entirely true. There are many herbs that can be used to treat malaria, besides can use papaya leaves you can also use the leaves of Africa. The symptoms of this disease were initially not visible because it is like the common cold, but can be very dangerous if the virus is already getting into the body. More severe symptoms are usually shown with a sense of chills and decreased appetite.

Normalize The Function Of The Lungs

The last Africa leaves benefit from us is to normalize the function of the lungs. By consuming leaves Africa can eliminate toxins and can help to work normally.
Large water fruit problems can also be resolved with the use of herbal leaves Africa.Troubleshoot your chapter with drinking the decoction of leaves of Africa.

Removing toxins from the body

As already explained above, that leaves Africa has can detoxify toxins in the body. Toxins and free radicals into the cause of a very dangerous disease such as stroke or cancer. The content in the leaves of Africa is very useful to expel toxins as well as free radicals in the body.

Nourish The Digestive Organs

Besides being able to overcome constipation, leaf Africa can also be used to nourish your digestive organs such as the bowel or stomach. These leaves can prevent and treat infection in the stomach or intestines. boiling of water or boiled leaves Africa dried and then drink.

How To Use Leaves Africa As A Remedy

  1. Boil one handheld leaf dry Africa with 5 cups of water,
  2. reserving up to 1 Cup,
  3. strain it and then drink.
  4. If it tastes too bitter then you can add honey.

Some Side Effects If We Consume The Leaves Of Africa:

Lead to the emergence of symptoms of hives
A side effect of the leaves is Africa can lead to the emergence of symptoms of itching. These side effects may be similar to side effects that occur when you experience allergic to seafood or other ingredients. Itching as a result or side effect of leaves ofAfrica was not too dangerous, just that it can be annoying, because the appearance of hives after consuming leaves Africa this will lead your activity is interrupted. Actually the itching is quite reasonable and also normal, because it is a response of the immune system of the body against foreign matter. So, side effects itching are muncl due to the consumption of this African leaf is not too dangerous.

Leaves Africa not be consumed by pregnant women.
Some recommend that leaves Africa not be consumed by pregnant women. Other side effects can be inflicted on a pregnant woman. Some people believe that African leaf consumption should not be given to pregnant women or those who are at the time of menstruation aka coming months. Though often banned, but actually there is no reliability research results related to this. Many have assumed that consumption leaves Africa on pregnant women who are menstruating or myth. To verify it, then of course the necessary process of further research regarding the existing content in the leaves of Africa, and also require medical consultation of a doctor or medical professional.

The onset of swelling
A side effect of this is Africa leaves can cause swelling. This is one side effect of the natural leaf, owned by Africa. Swelling can occur in any part of the body, and usuallyis not too noticeable. However, sometimes the swelling caused by the leaves of Africa is often annoying, because the appearance of a will is uncertain. Pembengakakancan appear on parts of the body such as legs or hands, which of course will make your activity becomes disturbed.

Leaves a very bitter taste
Side effects of the first Africa leaves is because it tastes very bitter, so can cause nausea for those who consume it. Almost all of the people do not like the taste of bittervegetables. However, the bitter taste from the leaves of this Africa is indeed wonderful, so for most people, the bitter taste that is contained within the leaves Africa is very disturbing. Some people can even feel nausea and also vomiting when taking this Africa leaves a very bitter taste is consequences. So, for those of you who really do not like the bitter taste, then it is advisable to exercise caution in consuming leaves Africa.


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