Benefits Of Alfalfa Leaf For Health

Popular since the times first with many health benefits. Chinese people already since hundreds of years wearing crop alfalfa as the raw material manufacture traditional medicine. Alfalfa plants contain a lot of content that is so good for health as calcium, magnesium, phosphoruspotassium and iron. The content contained in the alfalfa plant includes vitamins B, C, E and K content of other substances that are beneficial for health as well as our agency in alfalfa, one of which includes fluoride, proteins, minerals, fiberessential fatty acids and anti-oxidants that are so good for the health.

Alfalfa Leaf

Here are some of the remarkable benefits of alfalfa leaf for health:

1. Clean the toxins in the body

Alfalfa leaf is able to clean the toxins in the body of existing us due to our consumption of food that many chemicals as preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners. When we frequent consumption of instant noodles so we need consumption of alfalfa leaves to clean the toxins that exist in the body. You can consume the leaves of alfalfa with vegetable made clear so the content that is in the alfalfa leaf is able to clean the toxins in our body.

The character of detoxification the alfalfa leaf would help clear some of the toxins are at risk who are in the body. Consume the leaves of alfalfa a cup regularly so that your body clean of most toxins are at risk.

2. improve the production of BREAST MILK

Alfalfa leaf is so great to be consumed by the middle of lactation to make smooth and improve the production of BREAST MILK with estrogen substances found in the leaves of alfalfa. The content of the substance that is so good for health that exists in the alfalfa leaf is also good to roasted fill nutrients a baby. Mothers who breastfeed can middle alfalfa leaf consumption by making it clear vegetable soup or to the content of nutrients in the leaves of alfalfa in a natural way would fit in the body of the mother and baby were distributed to designate bodies through BREAST MILK are taken by the baby.

3. reduce heart disease and stroke

Alfalfa leaf contains chemicals that can lower blood cholesterol i.e. called saponins.Existing chemicals in alfalfa leaf it would play a role in cholesterol as well as prevent the gathering around the arteries until it can reduce heart disease and stroke.

4. As a good anti-oxidant

Alfalfa leaf contains anti-oxidants are good for the health of the body. Alfalfa leaf anti-oxidants are good because they contain a broad spectrum of nutrients.

5. Make a smooth and heal digestive system problems

Alfalfa leaf could make the smooth digestive system and can cure digestive problems system as gastritis, gastritis, nausea and other digestive problems. Drink a decoction of leaves of alfalfa by giving the mint tea in a decoction of leaves of alfalfa so it can heal and make smooth digestive system.

6. Source of vitamin K

Alfalfa leaf is the source of vitamin K that is so good for pregnant women. Efficacy of vitamin K on pregnant mothers would reduce bleeding post! and reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of bleeding in infants.

7. Handle various complaints of pregnancy

The mother of a pregnant Middle natural often complaints as morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, and anemia. Alfalfa leaf already extracted so alfalfa tablets would be able to handle the wide variety of complaints that is felt and often faced by pregnant women to pregnant women does not designate so tormented with the complaint at hand. the area bitten.

8. Preventive cancer

Effects of alfalfa leaf contain an amino acid that is nutritious canavanine to prevent cancer. This amino acid can help bind carcinogens in the colon.

9. To heal insect bites

Alfalfa leaf is also helpful in curing insect bites infection induced by external way of healing. External i.e. healing with healing from the outside or not with the way it is consumed or drunk but Dab.

Thus the remarkable benefits of alfalfa leaf for health. Hopefully, the info given can be helpful Yes.


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