Benefits Of Kemuning Flower For Health

Flower kemuning (Murraya paniculata l.) normally grows wild at the edge of the forest, shrubs, fences or garden is planted as an ornamental plant in the courtyard of the House. Like flowers and jasmine flowers, flower kemuning also frequently used as a traditional medicine. Plant parts used are leaves, twigs, and roots. The bark is also effective as a remedy.

Kemuning Flower

Leaves and twigs are useful to resolve inflammation fruit phallus (orchitis), inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis), urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, whitishirregular menstruation comes, excessive body fat, body slimming, pain on the ulcer(ulcer), toothache and smoothes the skin.

Its roots are useful in treating bruises due to collision or battered, rheumatic pains, sprainsbitten by poisonous snakes, insects and boils, eczema. While the bark is useful for overcoming the toothache, pains due to a wound in the skin or mucous membranes (ulcers).

Benefits Of Kemuning Flower For Health:

1. Smooth skin
The leaves as many as 30 g fresh kemuning washed then pounded until pulverized.Add 1 cup of clean water while stirring. These materials then dab on the skin before bed.

2. Launch of menstruation
The leaves of the henna leaves and nails kemuning (Lawsonia inermis) each fresh ingredients as much as 1/2 handheld, Rhizome temulawak 1 finger, washed and cut into pieces as necessary. Add 3 cups of clean water and then simmered until the remaining 1 cup water. After cold filtered, then drink 2 times a day, each 1/2 glasses.

3. urinary tract Infection
Fresh leaves as many as 35 kemuning g washed and then add 3 cups of clean water.Boil until the water is left contributing half. After cold filtered and drink 3 times a day, each 1/2 glasses.

4. Inflammation of the fruit of the phallus
Provide 9 leaves as many as 60 g fresh kemuning and herbaceous sambiloto as much as 35 g washed and then boiled with 3 cups of clean water to the remaining 1 cup water. After cold filtered, then drink 2 times a day, each ½ cups. Do every day until healed.

5. body Slimming
The leaves of the noni leaf and fresh kemuning (Morinda citrifolia) each of a handful of full and inventiveness of the bells as much as 1/2 finely crushed little finger. Add 1 cup of water to cook while stirring evenly. Squeeze with a piece of cloth. Accumulated water was drunk all at once in the morning before eating.

6. Treating toothache
Oil coming out of bark kemuning burned melted into a hollow tooth.

7. Treat arthritic joints
Root tembelekan root and kemuning (Lantana camara) washed, add 3 pairs of chicken legs. All the ingredients are cut into pieces as necessary and add water sparingly until it is submerged. All these ingredients and then ditim. Lukewarm water then drinks all at once.

8. Heal Bruises
Kemuning and glass plates, each fresh leaves, just as much, washed and then grinded smooth. Add a little wine while stirring over heat. Lukewarm affixed on body parts that are bruised.

Okay, that he's some benefits flowers kemuning as traditional medicine to cure various diseases. Hopefully, this information is useful to you all.


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