Benefits Of Lotus Flowers For Health

Lotus (nelumbo Nelimbium) is a plant that is often used as an ornamental because plant the flowers are beautiful and fragrant scent throughout the day. The leaf width of floats on the water surface, while the flowers are running out. Beautiful all.

But who would have thought, beautiful and fragrant flowers also have efficacy as a medicine? Yes, our ancestors in the past often make the Lotus Flower as a traditional drug to tackle various diseases.

Amazingly, almost all parts of the Lotus plant can be used as a medicinal herb. Starting from the root, leaf, flower to the seeds. Certainly not without reason, because in the Lotus plant is contained some nutritious substances for health. Include protein, fat, carbohydrates, caroteneNicotinic Acid, vitamin B1, B7, and c. There are also deposits of calcium, phosphorusand iron that is found in the seeds.

Lotus Flowers

Benefits Of Lotus Flowers As Folk Remedies

1. Coughing blood, vomit blood
Lotus Rhizome washed clean, then made the juice. Create up to one glass of size 200 cc. Lotus Rhizome juice Drink such concoctions regularly every day for 3-5 days.

2. Vomiting, diarrhea
Lotus Rhizome extracts 50 grams and 10 grams of ginger, wash it clean than both blended or grated to take water. After a day of drinking water obtainable, 3 times.

3. Cure Dysentery
Lotus Rhizome 50 grams and 10 grams grated ginger then taken its water. Add 100cc of water then cooked until boiling. Once cool, add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix well and then drink all at once.

4. out of blood from nose (nosebleeds)
Take the Lotus root to taste then blended. Wring the water, then squirt it into the nostrils.

5. Lowers high blood
Boil 10 grams of Lotus seed and 15 grams of Lotus buds with a 350 cc of clean water to the remaining 200 cc only. Drinking water the stew every day such as drinking tea.

6. Overcoming Insomnia
Prepare 5 — 12 g Lotus seeds, soak, then boil in 3 cups of water to 1 Cup. After a rather cold, drinking water and the seeds eaten. Do this treatment regularly until there is a change.

7. Heat in, gondola, heart disease and liver
Wash clean 100 grams of Lotus Rhizome and root 50 g fresh seeds, then cut into pieces as necessary. Simmer all in 500 ccs of clean water to the water left over 250 cc cold filtered water. once and drunk as a tea.

Now that he's some benefits and efficacy for treatment of the Lotus Flower. Hopefully, this short article could be useful and add your insights in the world of health.


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