The Benefits Of Miana Leaves For The Health

Leaf miana or known by the name leaves IE iler plant species that have a latin name Coleus scutellar io idea, Linn, Benth plant was generally growing up with a fertile area with an elevation of 1500 meter. from the surface of the sea and the many dikes alongside the growing rice fields or on the edge of the river. Miana leaves have red leaves and often used as a type of plant medicines in other words plants and herbs.

The benefits of the plant as an ornamental plant other miana can also we used as a natural remedy, existing content therein could cure various health problems that we experience. From some research in the know, the plant-rich chemical deposits by many, as essential oils, tannins, fat, phytosterols, calcium oxalate, and pectic substances.The content of this chemical exists in the stems and leaves.

Miana Leaves

The Following Benefits Of Miana Leaves For Health: 

1. As a remedy red eyes

Red eyes which take place due to the irritation can also heal you by miana leaves. The easiest step you can do that is by step glue it compresses an unused, in other wordsyour eyes by wearing a leaf that has been moistened miana and dicacah–cacah. With this, it would help treat red eyes that you experience.

2. Cure Heartburn and abdominal pain

Another benefit of the leaves as remedy i.e. miana heartburn and abdominal pain. For those of you who experience abdominal pain, especially inasmuch as there are irritants or bacteria that is in your stomach, so it's very good miana leaves to help treat stomach pain you are experiencing.

3. Help Heal Ulcers

Benefits of miana next leaves can help treat ulcers, as well as reduce signs of ulcers.To cure boils, you don't need to bring enough herb busy by miana leaves above the fire heats, but let not to overcook. After this paste leaves miana in the body section of natural boils, compress until some minutes. Working on this sort of thing until you heal ulcers and so dry.

4. Help Cure Hemorrhoids

The miana next leaves benefits i.e. can help cure hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids or Ambien is one of the types of health problems that often appears due to circumstances that are not recognized. It is generally due to the lack of attention to the health of the digestive tract, so hemorrhoids disease appears.

But, just quiet and don't need worry. Miana leaves have benefits that are very good to help treat signs of hemorrhoids you experienced below some simple step process the miana leaves:

Prepare approximately 20 leaves miana and one segment unit.
And then clear, and then boil it with some of the material wearing 5 glasses of water.
Boil to a boil, and then chill the water after boiling.
Simply drink one glass of herb alone daily so this kind of thing would help treat hemorrhoids you experienced.

5. Help treat fevers as well as Lower the heat

You fever as well as hot? If so try the benefits of miana leaves this one. Yes, the leaves have been particularly benefiting miana good to help relieve and treat fevers. His pace is also extremely easy. Below that is the ways of processing the leaves of mianato lower heat and fever:

Take the stems and leaves of miana
Boil the stems and leaves of miana with 3 cups of water
Boil until boiling and the remaining 2 cups of water
Drink 1/2 glasses of the concoction that, to help treat a fever as well as lower your heat.

6. Treat and ease the symptoms of Coughing

Benefits of miana leaves after that IE can help treat and ease the symptoms of a cough. Miana leaves have very benefits is very good for help to remove phlegm that is attached to the throat, and it is very efficient to help ease the signs of a cough natural double yarn.

It's very easy to use steps, you just need to boil the leaves of miana, like when you make a man miana leaves to relieve fever. Then you can then drink the decoction of leaves of miana it regularly until your cough is completely healed. So you do not need an elaborate drug or go to the doctor when you experience a pained cough.

7. Addressing the issue on When Menstruation

The benefits of the other i.e. miana leave to help deal with the issue on when menstruation or menstruation. One of the problems that appear when there is on menstrual cycle i.e. the emergence of the irregular cycle. If menstruation generally lasts about1 bln. Once, but sometimes appears to be a problem in the cycle, where it may appear two times in one month, or appear to be 2-3 MTHS. once.

To help make improvements to that cycle, so in addition to checked me into a trusted doctor, so you might also try a solution of stew of miana leaves it.

8. Drug Ambien

Miana leaves combined with many other plants to good to be drug Ambien stride, prepare fresh miana leaves 17 sheets, sheet 7 leaves and turmeric Rhizome 3 cm, all the ingredients of the herb it clean to clean and then boiled with 5 cups of water to a boil, then strain the water, take a drink once a day with a dose of one glass once drank.

9. Constipation

5 strands of leaf miana in clean and boiled with a glass of water until the water stay1/2. Strain and mix one tablespoon peanut oil. In drinking directly.

10. Handle Roundworms

To treat roundworms, miana leaves taken a number of seven pieces, then washed, and grinded smooth. Add water 1/2 cup and eat a spoonful of honey. Entirely filtered water and drink a day 2-3 times.

That's an important benefit of miana leaves for health. Hopefully, this information can be useful and worthwhile Yes.


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