Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Health And Beauty

Benefits of curry leave for health and beauty  Curry leaves comes from a family ofRutaceae species as well as from Murray koeniggi, its leaves were tiny green. Curry leaves contain carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, ironand vitamins as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin E.

curry leave

The Following Benefits Are Important Curry Leaves For Health And Beauty:

1. The fight against diabetes

This leaves do not just help lower blood sugar levels, but also helps keep blood sugar in the normal range even every day until there is substance in the leaves of the Curry leaves the body. Curry leaves helps to regulate blood sugar levels with insulin activity in the body affect as well as reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, the type and amount of fiber contained in the leaves and it holds a primary function to lower blood sugar levels. So if you have diabetes, you can treat it with curry leaves.

2. Do a repair of the digestive

Curry leaves help make improvements. Therefore, these leaves can help lower the body's weight. Due to the added weight of the body can lead to diabetes, so this leaves help you deal with the two problems as well.

3. Lower Cholesterol

A lot of research show that Curry leaves have content that can lower blood cholesterol levels. Contain antioxidants, Curry leaves can avoid the oxidation of cholesterol that makes LDL cholesterol (cholesterol ugly). This kind of thing can further increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and make the protection of the body from diseases as heart attack and atherosclerosis.

4. Help deal with anemia

The benefits of curry leaves for other health can help deal with anemia. Curry leaves contain iron and folic acid that acts in the formation of red blood cells. Because it'eating or drinking the juice would Curry leaves give the benefits to you are anemic.

5. Help stop diarrhea

Real Curry leaves can also be so mild laxative, but the content of carbazole alkaloids inCurry leaves can help cure diarrhea in a natural way. These substances namely anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.

6. Treat skin infections

Benefits of curry leaves can also so cure for skin diseases. In additionthe antioxidant content of curry leaves is also good for beauty as well as blocking the impact of aging. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characters conceived by the Curry leaves, too-fitting streamlined for natural medicine skin diseases as acne etc.

7. Keep hair healthy

Curry leaves in the know can avoid gray hair. It is also efficient to keep the damaged hair, strengthen weak hair, strengthens the hair shaft that a thin, avoid hair loss as well as against dandruff. You can the consumption of curry leaves or dab the scalp to handle some of these hair problems.

That's the important benefits of curry leaves for health and beauty. May be helpful and useful.


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