Benefits Of Honey For Health

Benefits of honey very much and polahidupsehat ever discuss it but only as for honey body slimming course. Well, this time I will be here the benefits of honey in General.

Honey has been very familiar in our everyday lives because there have been many who feel its benefits. But sometimes only a few are known, so this time I want to give you some benefits or efficacy of honey.

1. The benefits of honey for energy sources
Honey is known from the time it first as a remedy for stamina and restore energy. This is because honey contains sugar that can be quickly absorbed by the digestive system. So it's not surprising if honey can be used as a source of instant energy.

2. Benefits of honey to heal wounds
At the time of Egyptian honey be used to heal wounds. They make honey as ointment to treat burns and a result of JAB sharp objects.

3. Benefits of honey for Antibiotics
Honey can be beneficial as an antibiotic so it can turn off the bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which can function as an anti septic. The process of osmosis which exists in the honey was able to eradicate the bacteria to make it dries up and is difficult to grow.

4. Capable of killing germs
Content of amino acids in honey is able to help cure the disease. Honey also contains antibiotic substances pathogenic germs which trumps strategies can lead to infection. Even in Australia has been produced honey ointment to the wound.

5. Benefits of Honey to treat ulcers
Treating ulcers in diabetics turns can be made denganmadu. HOSPITAL of the University of Wisconsin Medical School and Public Health apply this. And from the trial against a patient aged 79 years, honey managed to heal ulcers on his feet. Even these patients not so honey therapy thanks to amputees.

6. The benefits of honey as an antioxidant
In proving the role of the honey as an antioxidant at the University of California researchers conduct tests against the rats to examine the ability of honey to increase the absorption of calcium and the result was satisfactory. In addition research at Purdue University conclude that consuming calcium supplements along with honey to increase the absorption of calcium by the body.

7. The benefits of honey for Ageless
Honey was instrumental in maintaining health, so honey can serve as the ingredient that makes it ageless. United Kingdom Royal family even, place the honey as the breakfast menu every day with high-quality honey slathered on bread.

8. The benefits of Honey to nourish the Hair
Honey can be used as ingredients for healthy hair. With honey hair loss can be overcome, besides honey can also clean the hair, nourish hair and makes hair shiny.

9. Honey for beauty skin face
Honey is also very nutritious for skin health and beauty. Natural deposits i.e. antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, vitamin B and Vitamin C and much more. All such content turns out to be can help you to get your facial skin. Honey can protect the skin, moisturizes the skin, prevent skin aging, tackling acne and much more.


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