Benefit Mahogany For Health And Beauty

Mahogany plant is one of the plants that the timber used for various purposes in textiles, wood made for the or boards used to make cabinets, chairsdesks or a variety of beautiful carvings.

Behind the benefits of the tested for the purposes of mahogany, the mahogany plant turns out to have nutritious seeds for human health. Mahogany seeds for health benefits are still not much known by our community. Padahala mahogany seed can be processed into herbal remedies that can treat a variety of diseases. This time, the admin would like to share about the benefits for the health of mahogany.

Before we talk more about the benefits of mahogany for health, it's good if the first became acquainted with this plant. Mahogany trees including tall trees reaching 35– 40 m in diameter and reach the 125 cm. straight cylindrical Rod and not Watery.The outer skin is blackish brown, grooved such shallow scales, while the bark gray and smooth when young, changing to Brown's old, grooved and Peel after old. New mahogany flowering after 7 years, the flower is cylindrical Crown, brownish yellow, stamens attached to the Crown of the head, a white sari, brownish yellow. The fruit is a fruit box, oval, notched five, the colour is brown. Seeds are flattened, the colour is black or brown. Mahogany can be found growing wild in the forest of teak and other places near the beach, or planted in the roadside tree as a patron. Plants that were originally from the West Indies, can flourish when grown in sand brackish near the beach. (Source:
The benefits of health and beauty for Mahogany

Well, well here are some more benefits of Mahogany for health we should know:

1. Hypertension (high blood pressure):
The first benefit of mahogany seed is to overcome high blood pressure. Here's how:8 grams seed fresh brewed with 2 cups of hot water. After cold filtered and then divided into 2 parts. Drink it morning and evening.

2. Control blood sugar
Mahogany seed benefits the other is can be used in for treating diabetes or blood sugar disease. Here's how by consuming 1/2 tsp powdered mahogany seeds with warm water before a meal can help keep blood sugar levels steady. The content of saponins existing in plants mahogany, directly responsible for help removing the blood sugar.

3. Insect Repellent
Mahogany seed taken in powder form can serve as a sort of insect repellent spray. In particular, saponins in the seeds tend to discourage insects. For people who live in a tropical climate or who cannot avoid contact with insects such as mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, mahogany seed powder can be used as a supplement to increase protection against a disease that is transmitted by insects.

4. Overcoming Constipation
Mahogany seed can also be used to mengobaati constipation. The consumption of this fruit by means of destroyed then drunk along with warm water to relieve constipation.

5. Reduce Alzheimer's
Add fruit seeds mahogany on your food than can be reduced. Alzheimer's disease cannot be cured and not regenerative, therefore forms help to survive like this much needed.

6. Menstrual Pain
one way to overcome pain when menstruation is to use herbal mahogany. Eating a pinch of mahogany fruit the first day of the menstrual cycle will reduce the pain.

7. Pregnancy rates
The flesh of the fruit is consumed can increase fertility.

8. Increase Appetite
If you lost your appetite, then mahogany can serve as a solution.

9. Fever, cold
Drug fever and cold with a concoction of mahogany. Here's how: 1/2 teaspoon of the powder is brewed with mahogany seeds 1/4 cup hot water, and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm, do 2-3 times a day.

10. Eczema and rheumatic
1/2 teaspoon of the powder seed mahogany brewed with 1/2 cup hot water. Add 1tablespoon honey. Drink while warm. Do 3 times a day.

11. Mahogany whatnot Benefits
Fruit extract mahogany and mahogany seed powder both nutritional supplement that can be taken for a range of positive outcomes. The health benefits of fruit and seed other mahogany include:
fight free radicals with antioxidants
lose fat in the bloodstream build
lowering cholesterol levels and boost the immune system
Mahogany seed taking supplements regularly can help you improve your health in various ways, and thus lead to more general well-being.

How? Is it an awful lot of ya mahogany plant benefits? That's the Benefit of health and beauty for Mahogany should we know, may be useful.


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