21 Benefits Of Kelengkeng Fruit For The Health

Do you love to eat kelengkeng? Kelengkeng has many other names, some call it a cat's eye, or badaro. Whatever its name, this fruit has benefits for our health. So it is highly recommended to be consumed on a regular basis. Kelengkeng can we make a refreshing drink or a relaxing moment directly we consume.

How come kelengkeng can be rich with benefits for health? This is due to the content of the nutrients contained in it. There are some very important nutrients found in fruit are small round as marbles, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, B1, B2B3, vitamin C, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium and also acid pull the, in addition, there are other phytochemicals compounds and other compounds that are very good for the health of the body.

Very much at all right? So always stock this fruit in your home. Okay just go ahead,we discuss what are the benefits of kelengkeng for your health.
Benefits Of Fruit Kelengkeng.

1. Anti-depressant

Kelengkeng gives a soothing effect, improves neurological function, cope with the irritation and relieves fatigue. Kelengkeng can also treat insomnia and other sleep disorders are diseases.

2. Assist the work of the heart and spleen

By reducing stress and fatigue, kelengkeng lighten the work of the heart and spleen. Kelengkeng can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

3. Speed up healing and extend life expectancy

Along with polyphenols, kelengkeng can fight free radicals in the body and prevent damage to cells. Kelengkeng can also reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer.

4. Launch the circulation of blood

This is why the kelengkeng can be used to prevent anemia. In addition, the kelengkeng proved to be able to control the levels of iron in the body.

5. Diet

Kelengkeng has the fat content and calories is very low. Half a bowl of kelengkeng only contains 35 calories, the right choice for your diet.

6. Energy sources

Despite having a low calorie and fat, kelengkeng contain complex carbohydrates that can supply energy and increases stamina.

7. Prevent Fever and Flu

Lots of uses for Vitamin C to man, including improving durability and also protect the body from fever and flu.

8. Skin Health

Kelengkeng is great for the skin as it contains material of anti-aging. Primarily, kelengkeng skin prevents wrinkles near eyes, minimize damage and peeling the skin and lightens skin color.

9. kelengkeng Seed can treat snake bites

Sort the area bitten by the snake with the seeds of kelengkeng can suck toxins at once to heal his wounds.

10. Seed Kelengkeng maintaining healthy hair

Substance saponin kelengkeng seed contained are the basic ingredients of a shampoo that can make the hair into beautiful.

11. Addressing the appetite lost, affluent weak and diarrhea

Eat 60 grams of fresh kelengkeng fruit, do twice a day, at morning and night.

12. Burns

Take a little skin or shell kelengkeng, burn until it becomes charcoal. Mashed finely and mix it with the oil of tung (Aleurites fordii). DAB on the burning part.

13. the wounds that never heal

Take a little skin or shell kelengkeng, burn until it becomes charcoal. Mashed finely and mix with olive oil. Apply in the area of the wound.

14. itchy toes and Tackle the festering

Take some seeds kelengkeng, roasted over a fire. Mash until smooth, spread on the part that hurts.

15. Amnesia, decreased Mental, Anxiety (anxiety)

"Tonic kelengkeng" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fruit fresh 500 grams and kelengkeng granulated sugar, bring to the boil in water become lumpy. Drunk every day one spoon.
The body of a weak or repair West agency after illness
Consumption of 250 grams fresh fruit kelengkeng per day.

16. Tenuous and less power while pregnant

Drink one scoop daily "tonic kelengkeng" at morning and night.

17. the Healthy Gut

Fruit kelengkeng useful anyway healthy colon and improve the process of absorption of food,

18. Launched various diseases

launch a pee, overcome intestinal worms, treat headaches, vaginal discharge, and a hernia.

19. Set the piss and blood circulation

While the roots of deciduous trees kelengkeng nutritious as peeing and waging a blood circulation.

20. Antiradang and Fever Reducer

The leaves of the tree as a nutritious kelengkeng anti-inflammation and reduce fever.

21. Remove the pain and stop bleeding

As for seeds is useful for relieving pain and stop bleeding.

How? Very much the way the benefits for the health of kelengkeng fruits that you can get. Avid-Avid consumes fruit this one Yes.


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