The Benefits Of The Fruit Bits For The Health

Bit Fruits1. As a remedy for liver, kidney and natural cleaning of the gallbladder.

The first benefits of the fruit bit are as drug liver, kidney and natural shine of the gallbladder, moreover, also can clean and neutralize the toxins in the body. Against infection and inflammation as well as addressing the problem of kidney stones.

A combination juice beetroot, carrot, and cucumber are one of the best ways to cleanse the kidney and gallbladder of toxins that are buried in the two organs that filter.

The bit is also beneficial for detoxification (disposal of toxins) and cleansing our bowels, as well as the problem of hemorrhoids.

With this mix that you can use to make juice for Detox:

1 Apple, 1 PEAR, ½ fruit bits large size: insert into tool maker juice.
Then stir in 2 tbsp psyllium husks (can be bought in shops and stores organic healthy food)
Immediately drink. Psyllium husk is a fiber that when mixed with water can inflate like gelatin. Its functions bring ' junk ' in the colon for issued more quickly.

½ medium-size beets and cucumber fruit 1 small size in insert into the tool
the juice maker. Add 1 ½ cups of soda water. Then give the juice of lemon or lime juice.

In addition to making juice from a mixture of bits and other fruit, try boiling the beets one medium-size fruit that slices. Then the water is drunk before going to bed as much as one glass. Water decoction of this bit is going to help movement of perilstatik, so the next morning bowel movements smoothly.

2. Destroy tumor cells and cancer cells

Jus bit rich content of anti-oxidants needed by patients with cancer.

Along with this there is special juice to overcome cancer patients:

Super Juice  Antioxidant.
2 medium-size carrots, chopped ½ medium-size beets, chopped 2 stalks of local selederi or 1 selederi Rod imports, 30 grams of spinach and 4 Rod parsley. It all blended and immediately drink.

3. Strengthen the functions of blood

4. Strengthen the circulatory system and the immune system

5. Address the anemia and producing red blood cells.

The colored bits of this anger is associated with human blood, so the color is used to address the problem of anemia. Actually overcome the anaemia is the iron content of the substances that are quite high, which reactivated and meregenarasi of red blood cells and oxygen supply are useful for the health of the red blood cells.

How to make juice for treatment of anemia:
a. wash the fruit bits
b. a skin Peel
c. pieces and put in blender or shredded
d. Then wring the water grab (to 1 cup)
e. pour into prepared glass and drink

Consume the juice of beets, according to the researchers, may help you exercise longer without a sense of tired. In addition, half a liter of the juice of beets a day effective for lowering blood pressure and improving health.
Just bit, bright researchers, demonstrates the astounding results because its benefitsexceed the routine of regular exercise under the supervision of a professional trainer. And though it felt might not be able to satisfy your taste, its effects can be felt by everyone.

6. Give energy and balancing the body.

In addition to drink the juice of beet will increase stamina
Drinking beetroot juice can help people work out longer 16% are caused by deposits of nitratnya reduce spending/burning oxygen in the sport, so the taste reaches caused by dwindling sport (research in the United Kingdom: Univ. of Exeter; BBC News, August 6, 2009). Therefore drinking juice that mixed bits at night can be used as tonic juice of romance, adding energy and blood flow.

7. Digestive problems

If you have digestive problems, nausea and pains, diarrhoea, dysenterycan drink carrot juice bit mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice or lime juice. Beet juice drink mixed with a tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast will help reduce the loss of the ' new ' in the stomach. The leaves are also useful bits cope with yellow fever and digestive pain. Enough once a day.

How? That's 7 fruit bits for the Health Benefits that you can get, may be useful.


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