Benefits Of Coffee For The Health

In addition to caffeine, there are compounds such as antioxidants that give rise to the health benefits of coffee so much. One of them is a slow death.

Coffee is a drink made of the extraction of coffee beans are then dried and crushed by the way of milled to become the coffee ready seduh. The Arab population has the habit of drinking coffee or get some coffee in the morning and evening. This custom began to be imitated by many residents in other countries, including Indonesia.

In the coffee there is caffeine is known to give a happy effect so as to avoid prolonged stress. Actually, there are still hundreds of other compounds on every presents the myriad benefits of coffee which are very important for health.

Coffee For Health Benefits


Under this will be written down a list of the benefits of drinking coffee on a regular basis. Any benefits given cannot be separated from the caffeine substances, antioxidantsand a row of other compounds that work in the body.

1. Fortify the body from oxidation
Antioxidant compounds known to be able to protect the body from oxidation process, which involves free radicals to destroy molecules in the body.

The oxidation becomes straight delivers you to the phase of aging and diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Without a conscious, free radicals will make your skin look decades older than actual age.

2. Extend the age
The benefits of coffee on this one is so controversial and many invites the attention of researchers.

Several large-scale studies show that people who drink at least one glass of coffee each day can live longer than most of those who do not, even totally never coffee consumption.

Some research also sets forth that in addition to lowering the risk of death is fast, the content-laden coffee Act prevent a variety of serious diseases that trigger death.
result which attached in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2012, stating that in such research involving 402,260 people with ages from 50 to 71 years old have a risk to smaller died because in the A study of an innovative result which attached in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2012, stating that in such research involving 402,260 people with ages from 50 to 71 years old have a risk to smaller died because in the 12-13-year-old frequent drinking coffee significantly.

3. Give the happy effect
Life cannot be separated from the problem. The big nothingness of a problem can be measured and seen from people who experienced it, among others, stress and depression. In this condition, the mind and heart will not be in sync so that not being able to control me.

In these circumstances, You can get out of the trap of depression with a manner of drinking some coffee while listening to classical music. Research at Harvard shows that coffee can reduce the risk of depression by up to 20% and the risk of suicide by up to 53% for coffee making premium feel happier.

4. Build energy and intelligence
Coffee can make you escape from a sense of tired while enhancing energy. This is because coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant which actually is a frequently used psychoactive substances of the world population.

Caffeine you can from Downing a cup of coffee will be absorbed by the bloodstream and travels to the brain. When he arrived, the caffeine will block the inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. Until this process, the number of other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine hormones upgraded both of which help removing neurons.

Effects felt by humans from many experiments related to performance in the brain is to increase alertness, energy, mood, memorycognitive function is common, and make yourself more responsively when you catch an event.

On the benefits of coffee this number four, originally comes from the brain to blockAdenosine, giving rise to effects of stimulant that can increase your energy, mood, and various aspects of brain function.

5. the largest sources of antioxidants
Coffee giving the body the antioxidants in large quantities. You can fulfill the needs of antioxidants so that stronger immune from disease by way of increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are rich in antioxidants.

6. Support the burning of fat and increase metabolism
Excess weight is not a problem you can easily underestimate. Each year the prevalence of obesity continues to increase, sufferers of this condition allows a serious illness came approached.

Many dietary supplements that are sold commercially by offering a series of efficacy to reduce weight quickly without having to diet and exercise.

Do you know if caffeine is one of the main term odor content on various products supplements fat burners?

Caffeine is indeed long been incorporated into supplements that support the process of one's diet. Not without reason, researchers have proven themselves the benefits of caffeine in assisting the process of weight loss.

Most supplements have thermogenic that stimulates the process of thermogenesis in order to be able to change the energy into heat. Body heat is needed to help boost the calorie burning process while enhancing the body's metabolism system.

7. Avoid heart disease stroke
Some people believe that coffee can increase blood pressure which could cause a stroke.

That assumption is true, but the effect is only 3-4 mm/Hg, the numbers a bit and can be removed when you drink coffee on a regular basis and do not exceed the normal limit.

However, the effects still trailed sufferers of hypertension. So need to be reminded that these effects persist in some people, especially those who have problems with blood pressure.

The researchers did prove with the goal denied the myth circulating regarding an increased risk of heart disease because of the coffee. The results obtained show that coffee drinkers turned out to have a 20% lower risk of stroke or other cardiac disorders.

So, even though coffee possible onset of increase in blood pressure, the effect will be reduced over time. Coffee lovers need not worry about an increased risk of heart disease because this does not affect the coffee actually organ the heart in a regular eating.

8. Increase physical performance spontaneously
Caffeine can stimulate the nervous system that can send a signal to break down body fat. Caffeine also stimulates an increase in adrenaline (epinephrine) in blood that makes the body ready to implement physical work spontaneously.

If you are a hobby with the aim of lifting weights to build muscle, it will be good to drink a cup of coffee about half an hour before you let the power run out for lifting iron. With a routine to run it, the body will get the adrenaline rush or supply energy faster thanks to caffeine being released by coffee.

9. Coffee lovers have lower risk of cancer
The benefits of the most amazing are the coffee lowers the risk of some cancers, such as liver cancer and colorectal cancer.

In a study involving a coffee, connoisseur shows that they are at risk of 40% lower exposed to liver cancer. In another study that also involves coffee drinkers found the presence of colorectal cancer risks to decline up to 15% at some people who drink 4-5 cups of coffee per day.

If you do not want the rush of tears due to being exposed to cancer, from now on try it more intense for coffee. After work for sure body tired and wanted to relax. The most fun casual friend was coffee. You can read magazines while you get some coffee to enjoy the quiet silent night.

10. Help prevent Alzheimer's
In adults, a cup of coffee per day can delay or prevent a person from Alzheimer's disease. The benefits of coffee have been proven through a major study led by Dr. Chuanhai Cao from University South Florida, decreased the risk of that happening against Alzheimer's significantly on the middle-aged group who drink three cups of coffee per day.

11. Launch the machining process
Coffee can improve brain performance and focus. As in the Journal Human Psychopharmacology, published in 2010, declared that drinking coffee with sugar can enhance brain performance and extend the power of concentration and focus.

12. have a lower risk of skin cancer
In the study, held Harvard Medical School, suggests that the most likely diseases skin cancer will not interfere with the coffee connoisseur because hundreds of compounds in it prevent basal cell carcinoma undergoing growth.

13. Help prevent Parkinson's disease
It is unclear how the workings of coffee in reducing risks to Parkinson's disease. But Republika noted, the caffeine found in coffee and tea can suppress or prevent Parkinson's disease.

14. Lower the risk of diabetes in women
The discovery study in 2011 done UCLA women unveils the least sipped three cups of coffee per day experienced a decreased risk of diseases, type-2 diabetes up to 56percent.

Besides it tastes delicious on the tongue, your body is also benefiting coffee that incredible multitude. Nobody would have thought that coffee is the most healthy drinks that are difficult to compare.

Source reference articles:
  • Authority Nutrition
  • Caffeine Informers
  • The Sunday News
  • Republika


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