Benefits Of Green Vegetables Good For Health

Benefits Of Green Vegetables. Vegetables are one source vitamins, nutrients and fiber are the most numerous as well as good for the body. Despite all this, there are many who do not want the consumption of green vegetables (especially dark green vegetables). This sort of thing may just be due to ignorance of future benefits as well as benefits of green vegetables for health, or just maybe because not even like vegetables. To deal with this sort of thing below I write 10 facts and arguments why the Greens so good for health:

1. Green vegetables and vitamins nutrition source
Green vegetables are a source of nutrients and contain vitamins A, C, E, KB, minerals and fiber so good for the body.

2. Contain more chlorophyll
Chlorophyll can help bring power and oxygen to the body cells, and some so for health.

3. Good for digestion
Full of substance would lead the digestive enzymes as well as support the work of the organs of the body. System cooking green vegetables would destroy the substance of the enzyme. So to gain more and more enzymes, substances concussion  vegetables raw or steamed.

4. Source of iron
Green vegetables are also rich in iron are so the main advance for vegetarians as well as women. So, green vegetables, namely the option that is so great for vegetable iron consumption.

5. Green vegetables rich in antioxidants
Already be demonstrated if the dark green vegetables contain more carotenoids, i.e.type anti-oxidants that can make some protection from cancer.

6. Clean the blood
Vegetables help blood purification because many contained alkalies that are useful to people who live in areas of high pollution.

7. the main source of minerals
Green vegetables are rich in zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium,and folic acid.

8. Blood flow
Green vegetables increase blood flow, the benefits of liver, gall bladder, and kidneys.

9. Vegetables could clear blockages in organs, especially the lungs, with decrease mucous blocked.

10. Get benefits the addition with the consumption of fruits, vegetables, juice despite gaining the fibers, but the nutrition, minerals, as well as his designate immediately absorbed by the body.

Well after we know the facts and arguments why green vegetables are so good for health, I expect hopefully by readers not liking or not the frequent consumption of green vegetables is able to contemplate and think to familiarize the consumption of green vegetables daily. Hopefully useful!!


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