Benefits Of Lemon For Our Body Health

Benefits of Lemon-lime long Already known as one of the fruits that have benefits for health and beauty. The benefits of this lemon of a variety of existing content in the fruit. An abundance of vitamin C in lemons turned out more than other types of oranges. Probably many of you just know that lemon is only used as a flavor enhancer in food only, whereas the benefits of lime juice for health is very much.


One of the benefits of lime juice for health i.e. immune boost because they contain Vitamin C which is high. To treat a variety of ailments ever lemon is also quite potent. Some diseases that can be cured with lime i.e. like ambient, tonsils, cough, sore throat, acne, and much more.

In addition, beneficial for health lemon, you can also use natural ingredients to care for the face. If you want to get rid of acne with lemon, here's how: with lemon juice water slathered on pimples on your face, after that wait for 30 minutes then rinse your face with water. Here is more information about the benefits of lime juice for health and beauty of the face.

  • Improve the ability of the immune
  • Balance the body's pH Balance
  • Fix error channel Digestion
  • Dissolve uric acid
  • Treat gastric problems such as ulcers
  • Increase the power of vision
  • Prevent cancer leukemia, stomach, and colon
  • Kill worms in the intestine
  • Kill bacteria
  • Strengthens the blood vessels
  • Assist treatment of hypertension
  • Healthy kidneys
  • Lose weight
  • Fit is consumed by pregnant women
  • Treat a cough
  • Relieves throat infection
  • Lower heat fever resulting from malaria
  • Thin the phlegm in throat
  • Treating toothache
  • Treat the tonsils naturally
  • Treating a dislocated body parts
  • Overcoming body odor
  • Treating brain disorders
  • Cope with irregular menstruation
  • Relieves tired or fatigued on some points of the body
  • Returns the body fitness
  • Relaxes tense muscles
  • Prevent heart disease
  • Cure infection in urinary system
  • Treat ambient
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Reduce the amount of sweat production
  • Treat acne and fades mark
  • Tighten and brighten the face skin
  • Makes the skin look youthful
  • Overcome hair loss
  • Eliminates dandruff

Some of the ways the use of lime:

1. Treat acne
Do I simply by applying water juice of the lemon on acne then let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse your face with water. Apply regularly to get the most out of.

2. Treat coughs
The first step then squeezed 1 lemon fruit and take some water. After that mix the juice with water 1 spoonful of honey and a pinch of salt. Mix until well blended and then consume 2-3 times a day.

3. Remove the mucus in the throat
Cut 2 lemons and squeeze to take water. After that mix the juice of the lemon water with a little salt. Mix well and then drink the mixture.

4. Addressing irregular menstruation
Here's how: with 3 tablespoons of water to mix the juice of a lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 cups of hot water. After that mix well and then drink when already warm. This way apply 3 times a day.

Efficacy and benefits of lime above will be increasingly felt when consumed regularly. So little information about the benefits of lime juice for health and beauty may be useful for those of you who do not know this information.


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