15 Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health

There are many facets of its benefits, be it for health, beauty, and is also often used as a basis for various types of cuisine.

For the quality of life and better health, then it is recommended that you try replacing the consumption of cooking oil into the olive oil.

It's just that, a super healthy oil price is more expensive than ordinary cooking oil prices. Thus, its use can be with an intermittent interval, i.e.sometimes using cooking oil, olive oil occasionally.

The purpose of using olive oil (in terms of cholesterol) to prevent you from too often use regular cooking oil. Where ordinary cooking oils containing high cholesterol.

That way, you are not required in the FRY have always used olive oil. Specifically, forhigh cholesterol sufferer is very stressed to use olive oil in FRY.

Olive Oil

Below Follows a Description Of The Benefits Of Olive Oil:

1. Prevent heart disease
Start getting used to using olive oil instead of vegetable oil, capable of delivering benefits to prevent and lower the risk of heart disease.

Many studies have found that bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body giving a lot of health problems. Olive oils contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, judged able to act as an anti-inflammatory for the body and also the protector of the organ of the heart.

Factors such as a poor diet, stress or the like can cause inflammation that causes the disease.

The inflammation that occurs in the body is actually a natural response of the body, aims to protect from attacks of the disease. But if conditions are too severe, which occurs is a condition of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation can harm, damage to arteries and also problems related to heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and others.

The benefits of olive oil it, able to overcome the problems of inflammation (inflammation) related to the heart and blood vessels. These findings are based on the results of the studies year 2009 are published in the Journal of Cardiovascular General.

Research results also showed that olive oil helps to lower the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), as well as providing protection on the arteries.

Some studies show that the diet of the Mediterranean people who take the intake of olive oil which is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is capable of lowering the risk of heart disease by 30 percent, and lowering the risk of heart attack amounted to 45 per cent.

2. Overcome high cholesterol
Olive oil can be used to lower high cholesterol. Consuming olive oil, in which contained a mixture of antioxidants have important benefits in lowering levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

To help lower high cholesterol levels, then you should take two tablespoons of olive oil on each day. In the consumed can by mixing together the salad.

From the page Livestrong.com. Although one of the causes of high cholesterol levels due to consuming too much fat. Need, fat contained in olive oil is a type of healthy fat, so it gives no problems. Thus helps to lower bad cholesterol levels.

In a study conducted in 1992, which was published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition," where researchers consisting of scientists, asking participants to consume a lot of food in the form of butter, where it is the type of foods that contain fat.

Afterward, participants were asked to consume foods that are enriched with olive oil intake.

In conclusion, the researchers found that cholesterol condition gets better (read: cholesterol dropped) after participants were asked to switch to consuming food that has olive oil after earlier attendees asked eating butter.

Researchers concluded that olive oil is helpful in reducing LDL levels that make up the bad cholesterol.

Tom Mueller, an author of the book "Extra Virginity: The Sublime and the Scandalous World of Olive Oil", in an interview on National Public Radio, himself emphasized that the type of olive oil extra virgin the biggest benefit in lowering cholesterol levels.

This type of olive oil has higher antioxidant substances, which is very important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Olive oil extra virgin-types are much healthier than regular olive oil types.

3. Prevent high blood pressure

Olive oil-extra virgin type capable of beneficial to lower blood pressure in people who experienced the problem of hypertension. You can incorporate the olive oil to the list of foodstuffs consumed daily.

From the page Livestrong.com. Studies show that olive oil was instrumental in preventing high blood pressure, but not in treating high blood pressure. So if the condition of hypertension has been very bad, then just use olive oil alone is still lacking.

In a 2004 study published in the journal "Clinical Nutrition", a study that tries to find out the benefits of extra-virgin olive oil, which involves the elderly patients undergoing medical treatment for high blood pressure.

This research in order to find out the level of participants ' blood pressure changes.Some elderly patients who experience high blood pressure, given an extra-virgin olive oil, while other granted sunflower oil.

Then after four weeks, the results show that oil consumption olive oil extra-virgin can reduce blood pressure more than the consumption of sunflower oil.

With the results of this study, then the benefits of extra-virgin olive oil were able to prevent high blood pressure and also even capable of reducing hypertension.

4. Fight Cancer

According to a 2004 study that was also published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, olive oil contains antioxidants in abundance. So to say that olive oil as food the best in terms of the content of antioxidants.

Olive oil is very large, which primarily on olive oil which has not experienced a high heated process. That contains the content of nucleosides, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol and propionic acid phenyl.

Olives and olive oil contain large amounts of other compounds have anti-cancer benefit as. The content is squalene, oleic acid, these Terpenoids, and lipids.

The researchers found that consumption of olive oil has a profitable and very important contribution to cancer prevention. That it is generally referred to as ' Mediterranean diet '.

5. Prevent Breast cancer
For the women, consuming olive oil is expected to be able to provide benefits to lower the risk of breast cancer.

A study has been carried out in the country of Spain, where the researchers obtained the conclusion of the results of research he does that consume four spoons of olive oil in a day is able to prevent breast cancer.

Such research involves as much as 4200 women with age between 60 and 80 years.They are grouped into three. Where in each group will earn a menu of Mediterranean food?

In the first group gained the extra olive oil in the food menu. The second group obtained the nuts. The third group was told to go on a diet low in fat in General.

need Mediterranean diet menu in mind, i.e. applying the dietary form of consuming vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and beans.

The study lasted for five years and finally managed to reach a point of light that those who are asked routinely consuming olive oil (well one) turned out to have a lower risk of 68% affected by breast cancer.

Where is the way of the consumption of the addition of four spoons of olive oil on the food menu, that is added to the bread, salads, and dishes in General?

Dr. Miguel Angel Gonzales Martines, a researcher from the University of Navarra, Spain, describes the olive oil has substances in it that its function is able to hamper the development of cancer cells.

In addition, the content of a benefit in the olive oil is also capable of working to shut off the body's cells that are not normal (potentially dangerous).

As for the various ways to prevent breast cancer that always enter the menu of vegetables and fruit into the food menu, avoid junk food (including fast food), not smoking, not drinking liquor or alcoholic beverages, as well as applying healthy life patterns.

6. Prevent Stroke
On the results of research that has been conducted, found that consuming olive oil is able to make lower the risk of someone affected by stroke.

From the page Kompas.com. People are already at all can preventive better than the risk of stroke, on condition that they routinely consume olive oil.

Sujumlah scientists who originated from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux, France, doing research involving as many as twenty people 7,625 above 65 years.

The study lasted for five years. By dividing the participants based on their habit of consuming olive oil. Starting from people who regularly consume olive oil, to people who are not at all consuming.

reset also does an adjustment from a variety of factors, such as daily physical activity, body weight, and diet as a whole.

Research results over the last five years found that those who regularly consume olive oil have a lower risk of stroke by as much as 41 percent, compared to people who are not at all consuming olive oil.

A study that manages to find the Association about the benefits of olive oil for a decrease in the risk of stroke.

"People who consume olive oil may be very different than people who are not consuming," said Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas, a neurologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

Dr. Nikolaos confirms that research is observational. He also explained that the benefits of olive oil could be greater if people do good living patterns, such as regular exercise, eating healthy foods and avoiding foods that are less healthy.

"A Stroke is common among the elderly and olive oil into an easy and cheap way to help prevent it," said Cecilia Samieri, a leader of the study.

These findings are published in the journal of the American Academy of Neurologymedia.

7. Anti-inflammatory
Olive oil contains polyphenols which is one of type strong antidioksidan substance. Benefits for protecting cells from the body attack and damage. Polyphenol compounds anti-inflammatory properties that are very useful.

Various studies have been conducted, also mentions about the benefits of polyphenols compounds in maintaining healthy bones and digestion.

Other research found that consuming olive oil is beneficial for improving cognitive function and memory in the brain.

8. Help lose weight

Memilh consumption of healthy fats is useful to prevent excess insulin. Insulin is a hormone that serves to control blood sugar levels, which in effect could provide increased risk of excessive weight.

Healthy fats that can eventually fill in, or help to reduce hunger. That was so preventive of the desire of overeating.

This has to be one of the reasons why many studies thus find that low-fat diets less delivers results for weight loss.

After reviewing the five trials with a total of 447 people, researchers from the University Hospital Basel in Switzerland found that the people were commanded to do low-carb diets can be more effective for weight loss than people ordered a diet low in fat.

In a 2002 study published in the "women's Health Journal", found that a diet enriched with olive oil has better effectiveness for weight loss than low-fat diets. This comparison was done and it was noted in eight weeks.

9. Supports brain health
From the page Draxe.com. Many Brain organ composed of fatty acids, in which the function of this organ is very needed in carrying out daily activities, to help set the mood, to think clearly and remember (memory).

Olive oil is a healthy fat source, which is often regarded as ' brain food ', it was because of the benefits that are able to increase the focus and memory (memory).

The benefits of olive oil can also help fight the risk of age-related diseases, such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease. In addition, it is also useful to prevent inflammation of the brain and decreased cognitive function.

10. Keep the Mood (Mood)
From the page Draxe.com. Olive oil has healthy fat content and has a function as a useful anti-inflammatory to prevent the occurrence of disturbance of the function of neurotransmitters.

Health experts say, apply a low-fat diet (reduce the fat intake of necessity) could lead to a higher risk of experiencing depression and anxiety.

The condition of a bad mood, stress, and depression occur due to the organ's brain did not get sufficient amount of supply of the hormone serotonin or dopamine, a hormone which is often referred to as the "happy hormone".

A study in 2011 which is done by the University of Las Palmas in Spain, found that a type of unsaturated fat (single and double) positively impact to prevent the occurrence of depression.

As for the trans fat content (a type of fat that bad) can increase the risk of someone affected by depression.

That way, the olive oil that has a good fat content is useful to improve mood(mood) and help prevent depression.

11. To prevent and treat Diabetes
From the page Draxe.com. Fatty acids have functionality that can affect the metabolism of glucose in the body, which is associated with insulin.

Research has found that consuming fat intake "polyunsaturated and monounsaturated" (the kind found in olive oil) positive impact on insulin sensitivity, which is likely to be able to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Consuming carbohydrates potentially increase blood sugar, because it provides glucose. As for healthy fats consumed serves to help stabilize blood sugar levels and also regulates insulin.

Start consuming olive oil be a nice step, which helps you prevent sugar cravings and prevent complications due to diabetes.

12. For facial skin
Occasionally as a substitute for cleaning products makeup, you can use olive oil to remove the rest of the makeup is there in the face. How many cosmetic brands that make facial cleanser products with ingredients from natural oils, one of them is olive oil.

Olive oil can be used to remove make-up. Dermatologist mentioned that products cleansing oil ( a facial cleanser) are generally free of harmful chemicals because it is made from natural ingredients.

Olive oil you can apply as a face mask. Its use is easy, simply by applying extra virgin type olive oil onto the face.

How to use:
  1. First of all prepare the Apple Cider vinegar, olive oiland honey
  2. Then mix 1 teaspoon olive oil, 2 tsp of Apple Cider vinegar and 1 tsp honey.
  3. Once well mixed, then apply on face.
  4. Then let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  5. After that, rinse using warm water.
  6. Then dry your face using a clean towel.

13. For Body Skin
Minyan olive you can benefit in order to overcome the problem of dry skin, as well as the damming of the skin. Olive oil generally does not cause allergies, just avoid applying olive oil to the skin breakouts.

From the results of research scientists, say that olive oil is able to function in helping skin protection from the risk of cancer of the skin.

Minyan olives contain substances antioxidants and a bitter taste that it is useful for smoothing and also make the skin becomes visibly glow.

The benefits of olive oil, in addition to acquired by way of applying it to the skin. Also consuming olive oil provide health benefits to the skin, by means of preventing inflammation of the skin and prevents the attack of free radicals into the skin. The benefits also to help prevent wrinkling of the skin.

Olive oil is indeed the kind of natural oil, just when it appeared the effect is applied after the form of allergy, then discontinue usage. Do not be forwarded.

14. To prevent premature aging
Olive oil contains linoleic acid substances that are beneficial to maintain moisture on the skin of the face. This is useful to prevent premature signs of aging such as wrinkles.

15. Natural hair Lotion
Apply olive oil on the hair, the goal to give a strong resistance on the hair from damage. For its use, only by way of applying olive oil to the scalp.

When applying, you could give a message a couple of times, the help content of olive oil could be the most pervasive to the scalp.

When you are finished applying the olive oil, then cover the hair using a towel, perform for 10 minutes. Completed.

Store olive oil in place of the dark, keep away from light and avoid the sensual heat. You should store them in airtight bottles or metal cans.

If you want to keep it in the refrigerator, it can change the texture and color of olive oil. But, there is nothing wrong because it does not lose its quality. Where the later conditions of olive oil could return as before.

Make sure the olive oil products purchased has registered BPOM RI. Although olive oil is healthy, you don't overdo it in the consuming. Take advantage of the olive oil wisely in order to obtain the best benefits.

For pregnant and nursing mothers, let me minimize the consumption of olive oil. Similarly for people who want to undergo the surgery.


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