Benefits Of Water Spinach Leaves For Health

Ipomoea Aquatica as well in the family Convolvulaceae-Ipomoea aquatic Water Spinach called plant growth is very fast and easy living. It has the scientific name Ipomoea Aquatica is a tropical plant, media life in water and moist soil. Water Spinach also easily thrives in Subtropical climates, but often many found in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia particularly or in Southeast Asia generally, popular food i.e. Water Spinach, as well as much large because of finding dishes. The leaves and the stem ends of the young sprouts can be consumed raw as a salad, or cooked as vegetables and stir-fry.

Water Spinach

Sprouts contain good nutrition as vitamins A, B, C, phosphorus, iron, fiberamino acids, selenium, and calcium.

Benefits Of Water Spinach Leaves For Health:

1. Deal with insomnia

Sprouts contain elements of sedative, means it can make people drowsy and make it can sleep soundly. This kind of thing because selenium and zinc contained therein can be made nervous slack and relaxed. The more nervous we relaxed, sleep would the more soundly. But for the people who would start their work, good not too excess consume.

2. Antitoxins as well as avoid constipation

Ipomoea Aquatica has a character anti-venom, and useful to mitigate the pain of ulcers, to skin care. This can lighten it due to constipation, Water Spinach also has the high content of fiber.

3. Contain iron

Usually, people know spinach to give iron consumption in a natural way. But if consumption of sprouts, Would obtain the same benefits. This water vegetables offer iron around 2, 5 mg per 100 grams, to good to let hemoglobin until it can avoid or reduce anemia.

4. Anti-diabetes Mellitus

Kangkung extracted, in fact, is a good aid for diabetes mellitus. This kind of thing, because a substance in the extract water spinach can absorb advantages of sugar in the blood.

5. the immunity of the body to a regular flu virus

Kangkung was in fact so much contained vitamin C and influenza attack antidote which is so good. Even in the know if the content of vitamin C in sprouts are higher than fruits.

6. Healthy vision

Water Spinach is also so high in vitamin A, which is a nutrient that is so necessary to the health of our eyes. Vitamin A that is a beneficial anti-oxidant to prevent the free-radical attack on the cornea. When it is not wanted suffered cataracts, macular or seniors, and other eye health problems, reproduce consuming natural vitamin A, as well as the source of the water spinach.

7. Anti-parasites intestinal

If consumed raw sprouts can remove the Fasciolopsis buski parasites, namely in the intestines of humans and animals that can lead to fasciolopsiasis.

8. Pregnant women and nursing mothers

Sprouts are safe when consumed in pregnant women and nursing mothers. And indeed in India & also used to cure diabetes throughout pregnancy.

9. The health of the liver or liver

According to research, Water Spinach mentioned can avoid damage to the liver. This kind of thing associated with the impact of a chemical compound in the sprouts which acts detoxifying enzymes in the against modulation as well as anti-oxidants and the impact of free radicals.

10. other benefits of water spinach leaves

Ipomoea aquatic as a poultice to treat skin diseases as ringworm, scabies, etc.
Ipomoea Aquatica as an aid for poisoning, which was helping to spew it back to the person who is poisoning.
Water Spinach juice combined with water to compresses an unused fever.
Water Cress can be boiled to cure constipation.
Kangkung was able to cure intestinal worms
The cure for jaundice and liver problems.
The leaves of the sprouts can be to help cure diabetes in pregnant women. Water Spinach is also used as a remedy to help relaxation and sleep.

How so many incredible benefits of Water Spinach leaves rather than this for our health. Hopefully information useful and could be useful for those of you who read it.


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